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What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing involves the cleansing of the body's energy fields to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This is done by removing things that are stuck within your energy field. It also involves connecting you with your higher self and spirit guides. Depending on who wants to give you messages, Heather will channel your spirit guides, soul, higher dimensional beings, and ETs. 

What can be stuck in my energy field?

Negative emotions, unresolved trauma, past lives, energetic drains, people, and blocks can be stuck in your energy field negatively effecting all aspects of your life. 

What's included in a session?

Heather intuitively works through your energy field from your outer field to inner field,  gently removing things that are attached to you. She will talk you through the session explaining what she is seeing, where it came from and why it was stuck to you. Afterwards Heather will create a safe space for a conversation and integration.

Why is it important?

Throughout your lives things, people, situations and emotions become lodged in your energy field. These sessions will remove things giving you a renewed physical, emotionally and spiritual energy. You will also receive knowledge of your past lives, what drains your energy in this life and how to protect and energize yourself.

The sessions can open blocked chakras, clear the mind, and give you a deeper understanding of self.

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online and in-person sessions available


for 1 session

90 minutes


for 3 sessions

3 sessions at 90 minutes each

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Meet Heather

An intuitive psychic medium, Heather uses her gifts of clairvoyance, energy empathy, and site - to see, feel, communicate and release energetic attachments.


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